Thursday, September 23, 2010


Obviously everyone has the right to practice any religion, they are free to go about believing in even the most ignorant ideas, but sometimes religion goes too far. Jonathan Edward’s way of explaining the wrath of God was quite gruesome; in fact it might have been a little psychologically disturbing for the people following the puritan religion at the time.
            It actually seems as though the religion was made to help the new world progress at a super quick rate. The followers did basically nothing but preach and work hard day after day for their whole life. This is possibly the best way for a new colony to expand and progress. And this was enforced through the fear of getting attacked by the fearsome, cruel, sinister, and cold hearted being they knew as God.
            To them God is unforgiving. He can send anyone to the depths of hell out of sheer pleasure and he’s able to destroy anything that upsets him or gets in his way. He is easily stronger than any living thing in earth. No man can possibly withstand his power. His arrow is always pointing in your heart and he’s constantly watching every single human looking for a reason to put them out of their misery.


  1. how far is to far ya reckon?
    as crazy as some of the religions seem, what if it truly makes them happy? think of something that you really, really like that no one else would agree with, they think your stupid for liking that. They can't understand you, how can they?
    Maybe it's the same with religion ?

  2. *too
    iik know the difference between 'to' & 'too' dang it! lol
