Monday, October 11, 2010

john protor.. hero or stooge.

In my opinion John is the only hero in the whole play. There are a few others like Rebecca who are goo people but don’t really do any heroic acts. And then there are all those fools who take people’s lives based on ignorant beliefs and false statements. Those are the bad guys in this story, the people who live safely throughout the story without the fear of getting persecuted.
            Anyways, back to John. John did some wrong when he had his affair with Abigail but he’s a human, a young male human being. And at least he confesses his sin to his wife. That’s the only thing that matters, that he was semi-loyal to his wife. But the thing that really made him loyal was that he gave up his own life to prevent the “witch Hunt” from gaining more power and getting out of hand. He was a well respected man in town and if he were to plead guilty to witch-craft everyone would believe in it.
            He resisted being able to live with his wife for many years ahead and got himself hung. All for a good cause of course. Because he resisted he didn’t get his confession posted out in front of the church and he didn’t give his family a bad name. in the end he was loyal to his friends and his wife, that’s the only thing that mattered to him. That’s what made john a hero.

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting how you mention the idea that a hero must do some sort of heroic act. Following that logic, do you think that people like sports stars, or parents are false heroes? Considering that most haven't done any "heroic" act.
