Sunday, November 7, 2010


Slavery, the cause of many wars, internally or externally. Slavery seems to have existed forever. How did it begin? Who was the first slave ever? Who was the first person to ever enslave someone? When someone mentions slaves the first thing that comes to my mind is a weary looking person who looks as if he suffers more in one day than an ordinary person does in a lifetime.
            Those slaves that I picture are probably non-existent in the US. I’m sure there are still plenty of hard laboring slaves in some small third world countries around the world but the US still has people who work their @$$es of like slaves. There are people who have to work two jobs to bring food to the table and put a roof over their family’s head. They aren’t considered slaves because they aren’t property of the man in charge but they’re working just as hard as the slaves from the past. There are even people who enslave themselves.
            People nowadays deprive themselves of fun. They’re slaves to their own minds, not doing fun and exciting when nothing is holding them back. Some might hold back on thing they desire because of the fear of getting criticized for it. And then there are those people who do things to fit in. They might do something that they’re completely against just so can be like everyone else; putting themselves through pain and even humiliating themselves to get attention. In my opinion these people are like slaves. But if you think about it, it doesn’t make sense; if they’re doing something because they want to fit in they’re doing it because they want to, not because they have to. So it isn’t really a form of slavery is it? They have a choice; they have the ability to discontinue whatever they were doing that made them seem like slaves.

1 comment:

  1. I disagree.
    Slavery is still active in the U.S.
    Just underground.
