Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Stuff!

I like thanksgiving. Even though I think it’s a dumb holiday I like the feeling of being with may family. I’m also a big fan of food. I eat when I have nothing else to do. But for this blog I’m not supposed to write about food, I have to write about someone in the class that I’m thankful for.
I’ll start by saying that I like everyone in the class. Well, maybe I don’t like everyone but there isn’t anybody I dislike.  I haven’t really gotten to know anyone that sits more than 2 seats away from me.  So I guess the people that I’m most thankful for are my peeps Cyerra, Kate, Faith, and Simon. If it wasn’t for them, American Lit wouldn’t be as fun.
Kate and Cyerra have been friends of mine since last year. Theyre pretty cool females. Kate is extremely smart and always has good advice for you. Cyerra is different from any other person I’ve met. She’s really cool and funny and she does things that I think are really weird but I like her.
Simon and Faith are both people I met here in American lit. Faith seems to be an interesting person; I hardly ever talk to her but she’s always really chill. Simon on the other hand is a rather hyper little person. He’s good at so many things and his card tricks always make things fun.
Well these are the guys I’m thankful for. I don’t know what else to say so sayonara.  

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I cried in pain as Satan sickeningly regurgitated the brains that he had just pulled out of my skull. By the time he poured hot acid down my esophagus, I could no longer feel pain. My guts had been turned in rabid flesh eating centipedes. I stood up on what remained of my extremities and began to hollow out my already beaten corpse that bear nothing but a heart.  I was able to remove a handful of the vile, parasitic creatures that dominated my body before my knees suddenly shattered under the weight of my rotted, decaying cadaver like plump tomatoes being demolished by boulders. I had lost my mind in despair. I could noting but watch myself die slowly. The only thing I could think to do was crawl up the cobble stone path that led to the only thing I had left, my hope. After all, hope is what dies last in a person. Right before a human dies, they close their eyes as they fall into a state of unconsciousness, hoping that someone will help them while they’re in oblivion. I began making my way up the trail only to find that my fingers dissolved as they made contact with the hard rock. But I wasn’t going to give up, even if I was nothing but an empty eye socket by the time I reached the dearly needed wisp of hope. Again, I tried moving forward but all I did was make my fingers vanish like the memories of my early childhood. All I could do now was wait for death to take me. I shut my eyes, hoping that death would be fast. When I woke up I was back home in my farm house with the most painful headache I’d ever had. My plow was on the floor next to me covered in blood. I knew I should have placed it on the platform more carefully, this wasn’t the first time I knocked my head on it.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Slavery, the cause of many wars, internally or externally. Slavery seems to have existed forever. How did it begin? Who was the first slave ever? Who was the first person to ever enslave someone? When someone mentions slaves the first thing that comes to my mind is a weary looking person who looks as if he suffers more in one day than an ordinary person does in a lifetime.
            Those slaves that I picture are probably non-existent in the US. I’m sure there are still plenty of hard laboring slaves in some small third world countries around the world but the US still has people who work their @$$es of like slaves. There are people who have to work two jobs to bring food to the table and put a roof over their family’s head. They aren’t considered slaves because they aren’t property of the man in charge but they’re working just as hard as the slaves from the past. There are even people who enslave themselves.
            People nowadays deprive themselves of fun. They’re slaves to their own minds, not doing fun and exciting when nothing is holding them back. Some might hold back on thing they desire because of the fear of getting criticized for it. And then there are those people who do things to fit in. They might do something that they’re completely against just so can be like everyone else; putting themselves through pain and even humiliating themselves to get attention. In my opinion these people are like slaves. But if you think about it, it doesn’t make sense; if they’re doing something because they want to fit in they’re doing it because they want to, not because they have to. So it isn’t really a form of slavery is it? They have a choice; they have the ability to discontinue whatever they were doing that made them seem like slaves.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


The Salem witch trials ended on January 1693 when Chuck Norris happened to be walking through Salem and was accused of witchcraft.
            According to the witch trials began because of fear among the puritans who believed that god was punishing them for their sins. Some of the things that fueled these fears were recent smallpox outbreaks and Indian attacks on the colonies. There is no evidence to support the belief that witches actually existed in Salem but a few women were believed to be fortune tellers and voodoo doll makers.
            There is actually no proof of John Proctor and Abigail having an affair.  According to the website john was 60 years old at the time and Abigail was only about 12. They also lived about 8 miles apart from each other. The love story was just added to make the movie and the book more intense.