Thursday, September 23, 2010


Obviously everyone has the right to practice any religion, they are free to go about believing in even the most ignorant ideas, but sometimes religion goes too far. Jonathan Edward’s way of explaining the wrath of God was quite gruesome; in fact it might have been a little psychologically disturbing for the people following the puritan religion at the time.
            It actually seems as though the religion was made to help the new world progress at a super quick rate. The followers did basically nothing but preach and work hard day after day for their whole life. This is possibly the best way for a new colony to expand and progress. And this was enforced through the fear of getting attacked by the fearsome, cruel, sinister, and cold hearted being they knew as God.
            To them God is unforgiving. He can send anyone to the depths of hell out of sheer pleasure and he’s able to destroy anything that upsets him or gets in his way. He is easily stronger than any living thing in earth. No man can possibly withstand his power. His arrow is always pointing in your heart and he’s constantly watching every single human looking for a reason to put them out of their misery.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Graffiti has been around in my neighborhood for a longer time than I’ve been alive. It was always a nuisance to most people but for young adults and teens it was a beautiful type of art. It was an art that expressed infinite ideas. There were millions of different types of styles, color schemes, patterns, lines, designs and such. A (graffiti) writer was greatly appreciated by the people of newer generations. Graffiti was great because it allowed teens to express themselves through art on an unlimited amount of canvas.
For many writers graffiti was a hobby, it was a good source of fun. Some did it because they had problems at home or school so they relieved their stress by decorating the streets of our neighborhoods with their art. Maybe some were never praised for doing anything good so they showed off their artistic side using creative lettering and flamboyant colors to cover roof tops, bill boards and even trains. And for the most dedicated taggers it was a way of life. It was like a drug made especially for them. These people painted 24/7 and were well known amongst the many fans of this artistic crime.
Eventually these great artists grew too old for the game. They could no longer “get up”, due to fear of getting caught, and were quickly forgotten. These great artists had had their chance to illuminate the Gage Park neighborhood. Now it was the younger generations turn.
My generation (the group people near my age) started getting into it at around seventh grade. The few of us who started to enjoy graffiti at an earlier age were into it for the same reason as the older ones. By the end of eighth, however, almost all of the kids in my neighborhood started “tagging”   not because they enjoyed the art, but because they thought it was cool. The young teens must have recognized that graffiti writers were well known and considered “cool” for doing dangerous and daring things like “hitting up” an illegal wall. These young teens started displaying their own writing on walls, vandalizing any piece of property that didn’t belong to them, showing no respect. They recklessly went over all of the beautiful art, stamping their vandalism over pieces that had taken years of practice, and a lot of talent, to perfect. That’s how my neighborhood slowly faded from being covered illegal art to vandalism. There goes the neighborhood.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

about me

              Hey, my name is Mauricio. My parents tell me I was born on May 16, 1995 but they lie to me all the time. I usually dislike school but evey once in a while something fun happens. I love to paint on walls using spray paint (not illegally), people call it vandalism but to me its a hobby, a way of life. Im not much of an athlete but i do love to play soccer and swim regularly even though im pretty bad at both. I like to pretend Im Japanese and I hate the fact that some guy made a movie about me, called it "The Dark Knight", and got rich and famous off of it.
             Apart from my fantasy life I enjoy hanging out with friends after school, on weeknds and during vacation, although I do think that being a loner isnt bad either. My favorite state is Washington and I plan on moving there by next year and living with my older sister free to do whatever I want. My mom doesnt let me eat fast food too often but I've eaten enough to know that Wendy's is my favorite place.
            mmhhhh let's see.... ah music preferences! I like to listen to screamo, heavy death metal, brutal death metal, emocore/post hardcore, and underground rap. Oh and jazz, it helps my sleeping disorder. im the biggest procrastinater you'll ever meet but i get things done eventually. I plan on being trilingual by the end of the year (japanese, spanish, and english). Books aren't my thing but I enjoyed survey Lit last year I'm sure I'll enjoy American. I'm really protective towards things that I care about such as my family, art, screamo music, friends etc... thats all I have to say about myself for now.